Romsey Medical and Lancefield Medical Centres
continue to operate as normal.
The Medical Centres have invested in Ventilation, Sterilization, Air Purifiers, Mask Wearing, and other systems and processes to continue to provide a safe, healthy, well-being, patient comfort experience for all our patients, visiting specialists, general practitioners, allied health professionals, nursing, staff, and visitors at all times to our medical centres.
We will continue to strive to provide patients with comfort and a safe experience.
Everyone at Romsey Medical and Lancefield Medical continues to provide the best care possible for our patients. This includes working to isolate any infectious or respiratory illness to prevent the spread to our patients and community.
To continue to achieve this we will continue to do the following:
Mask wearing is not mandatory, but where patients have an infectious or respiratory illness we would still require masks to be worn.
Provide Air Purifiers throughout the Medical Centres, waiting rooms, consultation rooms and nursing areas.
Sanitizing stands are strategically placed throughout the Medical Centres.
When booking online or calling the Medical Centres to make an appointment, the questions will be asked to determine if there is any infectious or respiratory illness. We of course will continue to see all patients no matter the level of infections or not, it will just be the process for how we manage the infectious patient and reduce the opportunity for spread in our community. We may ask that any patient that is infectious or has a respiratory illness remain in their car and the general practitioner will bring you into the Medical Centres when they are ready. Please call the Medical Centre on PH: 54295254 on arrival.
We still operate respiratory, and infectious isolation clinics at both Medical centers where patients with those symptoms are seen. This consulting area is where patients wait in their car until the General Practitioner calls them to come in. The doctor wears a safety mask, safety gloves, and gown when working in this isolated area to ensure patient and doctor safety. This is also to ensure infectious/respiratory patients do not enter the general waiting and consultation areas which could affect other patients.
Seating is still spaced to try to limit the spread of any illnesses.
We believe that we continue to adopt these measures and continue to review and improve, we will provide MedicalCentres that are safe for all to visit.
Our team of nursing, administration, visiting Specialists, Allied Health Professionals, and General Practitioners have all clearly understood and adopted the health, and well-being processes and systems adopted to ensure patient comfort and safety.