Welcome to PRUDENCE WILLIAMS - Accredited dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist. We welcome Prudence Williams to our family at Lancefield and Romsey Medical Centres....
Recruiting now! MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST ADMINISTRATION PART TIME / CASUAL We are looking for a passionate, customer service focused person to join our team...
Recruiting now! General Practitioner Romsey Medical and Lancefield Medical are always wanting to speak to General Practitioners looking to work within...
Coronavirus Important InformationIf you have been in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand in the last 14 days or in contact with a...
Online appointment booking is here!By popular demand we are pleased to announce that appointments for all doctors can now be booked online. Wherever you have internet...
Your feedback - Our responseIn late 2017 we surveyed a number of patients and asked for their feedback about our services and there experience attending Romsey and...
Team trainingRecently all staff of the Romsey Medical Centre undertook refresher training in CPR to ensure every member of the team can confidently...